SpanSet is not just the industry’s trailblazer in textile lifting and loading technology. We were also the first company to see RFID technology’s potential for the industry — years ago! Continuous software development and new transponders have made yesterday’s basic product into a powerful system that knows no rival.
IDXpert is incredibly flexible and stands out prominently from the other systems on the market. The system can be operated in a network with constantly current data synchronization (clientserver solution) or as a standalone on a PC, laptop or tablet.
EPIS becomes IDXpert
it was time to give the whole thing a new name. IDXpert is now more than just a product management system. It meets the requirements of commercial testing services, as well as departments in industry, skilled trades and smallto medium-sized business that do their own testing and documentation. The new name reflects a new level of development. After many improvements and added functionalities, IDXpert has set a new milestone for RFID testing technology.
IDXpert makes the switch easy for you.
IDXpert continuously advances through close dialog between customers, developers and programmers. IDXpert supports all processes associated with regular testing of products requiring it. Independently of the Internet, testing data can be updated anytime, anywhere. For the user, this means greatly simplified inspection, as well as time and cost savings.
Bet on testing efficiency
IDXpert® speeds up and simplifies required product tests, structures your documentation and remembers when tests are pending. An indispensable increase in efficiency thanks to a combination of Radio Frequency Identification Technology (RFID) and a modern database. Tiresome searching and filing of test certificates is a thing of the past.
Used internationally
Years of continued development with users in countless workshops has made IDXpert even more user-friendly. Today, IDXpert even sets the industry’s benchmark internationally, thanks to incorporation of European product standards, further refined transponders, use of various read/ write devices, and the software’s many application options.
More efficiency
What you save most is time. Products to be tested are read in lightning fast, and test certificates are issued in the blink of an eye. A quantum leap compared to the Excel sheets used back when there were no alternatives.
Mehr Flexibilität
Various read/write devices, single-station and network solutions, processing products with and without transponders, and a free online portal make the user’s work flexible and easy. Additionally, the IDXpert-Portal offers you the option to store product and testing data you have already collected at no cost. This, for example, allows you to call up and view your testing data and certificates over the Internet with a smartphone.
Better testing routines
IDXpert organizes, plans and documents your regular maintenance and service intervals and shows you at a glance which products tests are pending for. This saves you cash and speeds up your testing routine!
Data security
Seamless documentation of tests, repairs, inspectors and products is indispensable for safety, legal protection and better accident prevention. IDXpert closes the gaps!
IDXpert makes the switch easy for you. Existing testing and product data from Excel files can easily be transferred to the IDXpert database using the import function. Inventory lists and product life cycle analyses can be set up through the Excel interface. Almost all testing-related products can be fitted with an RFID transponder and then managed with IDXpert.
Products already being used without a transponder can be fitted with one at any time. As an alternative to refitting, products to be tested can also be entered and managed with a unique traceability code in IDXpert. The traceability code is then the key to the stored testing data. In addition to transponders as standard equipment on suspension slings, in the future all slings with a fiber loop will be equipped with the IDXclip for refitting. Equipped for any situation!

Simple fitting and refitting of SpanSet slings with the new IDXclip.